Unlock the power of Energy Insights and transform data into action for a Net Zero future.

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Made Specifically for Manufacturers

Manufacturers have the potential to reduce manufacturing energy expenses, irrespective of the tariff in place.
In today's dynamic energy landscape, staying ahead requires more than just data; it demands actionable insights. SMDH Energy Insights is your key to understanding, optimising, and harnessing the full potential of your energy usage. Our suite of cutting-edge Manufacturing Energy Insights dashboards empowers businesses to make informed decisions, reduce costs, and enhance sustainability.
Why should manufacturing businesses use Manufacturing Energy Insights Dashboards?
The SMDH team have found that manufacturers taking part in the SMDH project can have up to 15% variable energy demand outside of working hours. Our suite of energy insights dashboards help SMEs highlight this potentially wasteful energy consumption, measure what impact it has on their energy cost and carbon emissions, and track the effects that energy preserving measures have had over time. The benchmarking capability empowers SMEs to compare their energy KPIs to an industry baseline, gain a better understanding of their energy efficiency and target areas where improvements could be made.
Why settle for one when you can have three cutting-edge Manufacturing Energy Insights Dashboards?

All three dashboards are available to SMEs after submission of half-hourly energy data from their AMR or smart meter, as well as some basic company information. In addition, data from submeters which have been previously installed can also be visualised with ease.

To further enhance the utility of the Manufacturing Energy Insights dashboards, SMEs can also opt in to install low-cost power sensors on individual machinery, or to monitor certain areas of their factory. This helps manufacturers understand the energy consumption of individual pieces of equipment, as well as derive additional metrics, such as energy costs associated with manufacturing individual products and overall machine utilisation. 


Manufacturing Dashboards

  • Energy Insights

  • Energy Benchmarking

  • Energy Impact Tracker


Energy Insights

Identify non-optimal energy usage with your Energy Insights dashboard:

  • Energy bills are broken down to identify potentially wasteful practices 
  • Identify usage patterns throughout the working day 
  • Quantify the constant energy used in the background 
  • Identify abnormally high consumption
  • Quantify money spent during non-working hours 
  • Understand recent trends in energy consumption and perform year-on-year comparisons
  • Identify recent trends in your factory's energy demands
  • Understand the variation of energy used throughout the year

Energy Benchmarking

Understand how your factory's energy consumption compares to other SMEs: 

  • Leverage the power of shared data by accessing insightful benchmarks that allow you to understand how you compare to your peers.
  • Monthly and annual breakdowns of benchmarks are available to allow you to track performance against others over time. 

Energy Impact Tracker

Evaluate the impact of interventions with the Energy Impact Tracker dashboard: 

  • Understand the impact of changes you have made in your factory on the energy usage, costs and CO2 emissions. 
  • Understand the change of energy use over the day between two periods.
  • Visualise and compare the energy consumption for the two periods. 
  • Overview of the raw total and normalised usage comparison, along with the change and percentage change of each metric. 

Welcome to the Energy Insights Dashboard

Identify when and where you are using more energy than necessary so you can make decisions to effectively reduce your energy costs without impacting productivity. 

Dashboard Requirements: 

  • Signed SMDH user agreement to allow us to receive your data;
  • Half-hourly energy readings recorded by your AMR or Smart Meter, and/or from submeters throughout your site. 

Now Available!

Submit your expression of interest for an Energy Insights Dashboard