The Smart Manufacturing Data Hub (SMDH) supports small and medium-sized manufacturers to become more competitive by harnessing the power of data.

Digital solutions, expert guidance and funding are available to companies through the hub, allowing them to explore and evaluate their processes, make operational savings, de-risk investments and become more digital savvy.

The Smart Manufacturing Data Hub (SMDH)

Here’s what we offer


Low Cost Solutions

We have a directory of low-cost data solutions that can be deployed across a range of manufacturing sectors to help you start your data journey.


Virtual Hub

We offer secure data transfer, storage, analysis and dashboarding thorough our virtual hub. You always remain in control of your data without vendor lock-in.


Professional Development

Access training on digitalisation, learning resources and like-minded communities to enhance your workforce skills.



Companies who work with the Smart Manufacturing Data Hub, are eligible to apply for grant funding on a match fund basis, to allow for further development of digital technology in their factory.


Free Support

Unlock the power of Energy Insights


What our customers say

“The Smart Manufacturing Data Hub supported us with a downtime capture solution that allows us to easily access, visualise and analyse our production process from outside the cleanroom, which is a huge benefit to management of the facility and the start of our journey with Industry 4.0.”

“Exitex required a solution for monitoring manufacturing devices on the factory floor to provide insights into preventive maintenance, usage, and productivity of machines. The Smart Manufacturing Data Hub was able to help us to achieve our goals.”

“We had lots of ideas about how we could monitor and record data around our facilities to analyse costs and performance. The Smart Manufacturing Data Hub helped us identify areas of priority, and supported us to perfect the sensors and dashboard, providing an extremely user friendly solution.”

“The Smart Manufacturing Data Hub has helped us to access energy data and utilise this to enhance our production efficiency. Implementing the IoT technology was straightforward, and we are eager to further develop the system to capture and analyse data throughout the entire factory.”


Ritchie Precision were looking to make changes to be able to run their factory as efficiently as possible, reduce consumption and thus reduce the cost of its increasing energy bills.


Ritchie Precision uploaded their meter, shift and tariff data into the online data sharing platform where the Data Science team were able to access and analyse it. 



Ritchie Precision implemented behavioural changes turning off machines and a shift change to reduce their energy usage. Ritchie Precision have repeatedly resubmitted updates to their data and have been able to track the reduction in their energy consumption as a result.


Uform's half-hourly energy data collected over four years was analysed using SMDH's Energy Insights tool. SMDH were able to generate detailed insights and trends in energy usage on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis. 


Uform was provided with three energy dashboards allowing them to pinpoint areas for energy reduction. The analysis helped identify energy-intensive periods and evaluate the effectiveness of various interventions. 



Building on the success of this initial project, Uform have engaged with SMDH's Lighthouse partners, Devtank and Output Industries to explore the potential of real-time monitoring for further enhancing data-driven insights, energy consumption and resource efficiency within the factory.


Scott & Fyfe wanted to assess their current energy consumption, measure the impact of energy efficiency measures already implemented, and identify further opportunities for energy savings where possible. 


Using the “Energy Insights” dashboard, the SME was able to see that 68% of their energy consumption was made up of “base consumption”, i.e. energy that is consumed by equipment that is always switched on.



Using the “Energy Impact” dashboard to compare the time periods from April 1, 2022, to January 31, 2023, to the same months of the subsequent year, the SME was able to measure a reduction in electricity consumption of over 1GWh (-37.4%).


Terex sought to lower the effects of escalating energy costs and enhance sustainability. Terex was interested in exploring ways to use current data available to them to better understand when, where and how energy was being used, as well as to identify opportunities for reduction.


Terex and SMDH conducted an energy consumption investigation, capturing data on usage, shift patterns, and tariffs. The information was uploaded to MDEP, enabling Terex to analyse visual dashboards and extract insights for factory improvements.



The solution provided to Terex enables them to investigate their energy usage and would also allow the company to compare their energy consumption across other manufacturing sites. 


Specdrum had to collect and analyse vast amounts of data manually which they found difficult to do in a timely and efficient manner resulting in slow response times to problems and issues revealed by data in the processing plant. 


The SMDH team liaised with Specdrum to install digital and data solutions including the monitoring of power, air quality, oil usage, temperature and pressure. A dashboard now enables clear data visualisations for the team to monitor. 



Specdrum can now access real-time data visualisations from several areas of their factory. The automatic alert system from the dashboard ensures management are promptly notified of any potential problems within the factory.


Ryobi has ambitious low carbon targets and want to get better insights from their energy consumption and production data to identify areas where energy could be saved.


A dashboard was developed to combine data from Ryobi's electricity meters for two different die cast machines with production output and OEE data for the same machines. 



Ryobi were very pleased with the dashboards provided by the Smart Manufacturing Data Hub and have realised the value of combining their submeter data alongside production data to establish more insights on key metrics allowing them to invest in an energy platform.


Axon had no automated data collection processes. All data were manually inputted into an information system called SAP, which was custom-designed for Axon's requirements.


Data analysts conducted a thorough scan of the data, leading to visualisations of graphs and charts that facilitated the identification of patterns and trends assembled into a dashboard for Axon's review.



Axon successfully achieved their goal of reducing the number of stock items in their database by eliminating inventory listed as no longer required or utilised in orders empowering them to have optimal minimum and maximum stock thresholds.


GE Spares wanted to explore how data from their shop floor could be captured and analysed to monitor and improve their operational efficiency as well as reduce the carbon footprint of the company.


A low-cost power monitoring solution was developed and clipped over existing cables which allowed for a non-intrusive installation. Power usage data is stored and displayed on a dashboard to detect unusual energy spikes. 


The solution has enabled GE Spares to access energy data from their shop floor and enhance their production efficiency which had become a critical factor in their business by utilising the power of data-driven insights.


Exitex want to improve the efficiency and productivity of their factory processes, to achieve energy cost savings, lower their carbon footprint and gain deeper insights into the efficiency of individual machines. 


A low-cost power monitoring solution was developed. Sensors clip on over existing cabling for ease of installation. Power usage data is transmitted and displayed on a dashboard for effective analysis.


Management can make data driven decisions to reduce production costs and improve machine efficiency. Exitex understand the benefits of data and have developed a data culture with employees.


Machine downtime could mean that an order delayed. The delay in reporting downtime using the paper based reporting system was causing impact and a better solution was needed. 


A system was developed to digitally record machine downtime, create more transparency in the production process and identify what are the biggest downtime factors.  


The solution has enabled the company to tackle a key challenge in its manufacturing process and improving machine uptime and productivity by leveraging the power of data-driven insights.

Need clarification?

What is the Smart Manufacturing Data Hub?

The Smart Manufacturing Data Hub (SMDH) is a project funded through Innovate UK to support small and medium-sized manufacturers to become more competitive by harnessing the power of data.

Digital solutions and expert guidance are available to companies through the hub, allowing them to explore and evaluate their processes, make operational savings, de-risk investments and become more digital savvy.

Why do I need data in my business?

Data are often referred to as the new oil, and just like oil, when data are raw and unrefined there is little value. We take data and turn it into timely, actionable insights: information that can guide you towards a decision that will improve your manufacturing business.

When do I need to start my digital journey?

Early adopters of data-driven technology have already started gaining a competitive advantage by substantially lowering operating costs, improving time-to-market, and optimising performance. These benefits will only grow over time. 

How can I start to use data?

One small step can start your data journey. For example, you can use temperature sensors measure the amount of heat energy or coldness that is generated by an object or system and alert the user to overheating or insufficient cooling. Through early detection of problems, the user can avoid unplanned downtime, and limit maintenance checks and repairs to when they are actually needed.

Is this suitable for small companies?

Yes. We have a suite of low cost solutions that can start you on your data journey. In addition, companies who work with the Smart Manufacturing Data Hub, are eligible to apply for up to £50,000 grant funding available on a match fund basis, to allow for further development of digital technology in their factory. Our team will work with you to develop a digital roadmap for long-term success and access funding to support this.


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